In building my business model for my first year of publishing, I set our wanting to work with about 5 writers on Fiction and non-fiction sides. In addition to building community, hosting workshops, particularly surrounding writers in the "post-genre speculative" space to build community, also sharing writing techniques to build up this sector of the market.
I believe I may have my early writers, and securing them and getting started I still need funding and to find the right editor for this group and the scope and mission I have outlined.
In fiction, it looks like I could have a prominent speculative German author who does explore themes of German identity. As well as a gay Russian man, and possibly gay British producer. This certainly fills out a variety of voices, as well as a variety of content to offer to audiences. Two are established writers, but two long works would require editorial vision to strengthen the content and story telling.
On the non fiction side, I start with German woman in Galilee, a timely theme of high interest in global audiences. The other two voices I want to secure are a Kenyan woman raising biracial kids in small town East Germany, and Indian American with cross cultural experiences and how they have impacted her. Only the latter is currently published.
The three stories linked directly to Germany will also help convince local funding and support to have a vested interest, while simultaneously representing the kinds of voices and content I want to feature.
This selection as a strong starting point helps me feel very confident as a publisher. However, the editor that can handle these topics deftly? Where would they be found?
My goal is to offer a multi media platform also to offer accessibility options for disabled writers and be able to feature them with recommendations and lists. However, this all requires funding!
These are certainly the right kinds of Connections for a start on the content creation. I hope I continue with this success making connections for team building and funding!
Believe me, any publisher will tell you starting with five is already ambitious...